Individual and Club Awards Information Now Available!
The 2024 - 2025 Florida CKI Awards Packet contains all of the information regarding this year's awards! The Awards Packet contains a brief overview of each award, instructions on how to complete the award applications, and the hyperlinks for each award application. You can access the Awards Packet here!
Over 20 Awards Available!
Applying for awards is a great way to recognize your contributions to CKI throughout the year as well as your club's accomplishments from this service year! There are 20 different award applications, which allows for everyone and every club to have a chance to be recognized during the banquet at the 2025 District Convention
Award Application & Deadlines:​
To apply for an award, you will need to make a copy of each award application, fill out the application, download your application as a PDF, and send an email with all required supporting documents to awards@floridacirclek.org, governor@floridacirclek.org, and administrator@floridacirclek.org.
Award Application Deadline:
General Award Applications with the exception of the Club Scrapbook and Club T-Shirt Awards are due February 2, 2025, at 11:59 PM EST.
The Club Scrapbook Award application and physical scrapbook must be turned in during awards registration on February 21, 2025, at the 2025 District Convention.
The Club T-Shirt Award can either be physically turned in during awards registration at the 2025 District Convention or pictures of the shirt can be emailed with the application by February 21, 2025, at 11:59 PM EST.
Please note that each club must be in good standing to apply for any awards. Additionally, all members who apply/are nominated for individual awards must be dues-paid members in good standing. Some awards have additional requirements, which can be found on each specific application.
If you have any questions regarding awards or the awards process, please email the District Awards Chair at awards@floridacirclek.org and District Governor Jose Mendez at governor@floridacirclek.org. We look forward to reading your award applications!