Kiwanis Family Relations
Kiwanis Family Relations
Committee Page
This committee chair acts as a liaison between CKI, Kiwanis, and the other Service Leadership Programs (SLPs) (K-Kids, Builders Club, Key Club, and Aktion Club). This person plans a recruitment event for Key Club's DCON in April and is responsible for creating and distributing a directory with Kiwanis Family Contacts that they deem is appropriate.
Related Resources
Florida Kiwanis – CKI Mentorship Program
Are you interested in…
Enhancing your communication skills?
Establishing professional networks?
Building relationships in the Kiwanis family?
Sign up for the Florida Kiwanis-CKI Mentorship Program! The mission of the program is to connect CKI collegiate members to Kiwanis members to build meaningful professional relationships. A “mentor” is usually an experienced individual who shares knowledge, experience, and advice with a less experienced person, or “mentee.”
The Mentorship Program will match Kiwanis members with CKI members who share similar academic backgrounds, professional interests, and career fields. The time commitment is one full school year (October-May) with a minimum contact of one time per month. Zoom sessions and monthly resources will be provided to help guide mentors and mentees through the program. For questions about the program, contact Florida CKI K-Family Chair Meera Nair at
Committee Guides​
Kiwanis Family Service Guide​